Global Crossing – New York Data Center #1

Global Crossing New York data center 1 is located at 80 Pine Street, New York, NY 10005.

About Global Crossing

Global Crossing, acquired by Level 3 Communications, maintains a large backbone network and offers transit and peering links, virtual private networks (VPN), leased lines, audio and video conferencing, long distance telephone, managed services, dialup, colocation, CDN solutions, ATM services, virtual hosting, data storage services, and database management services. The company also provides Global Crossing NetCents, an Internet-based telecommunications solution, which offers discounted interstate long distance and outbound calling card services through a Web site to small business owners. Global Crossing IP services are global in scale, linking the world’s enterprises, governments and carriers with customers, employees and partners worldwide in a secure environment that is ideally suited for IP based business applications, allowing e-commerce to thrive. The company offers a full range of data, voice and security products to approximately 40 percent of the Fortune 500, as well as 700 carriers, mobile operators, and ISPs. Global Crossing was the first global communications provider with IP v6 natively deployed in both its private and public backbone networks.

Global Crossing – New York Data Center #1
80 Pine Street
New York, NY 10005

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