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Data Centers in Overland Park

1 Data Center Found
DataBank’s Pine Ridge data center is located at 10605 W. 84th Terrace in Overland Park, Kansas within the technology-rich South Kansas City suburb of Overland Park. The site houses DataBank’s primary Network Operations Center (NOC) and operational support teams. With more than 12,000 sqft of raised-floor data center space, the facility houses three independent data halls [...] Read More
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Arsalon Technologies’ Overland Park data center is located at 10881 Lowell Avenue, Suite 160, Overland Park, KS 66210. The data center is a purpose-built facility with roof rating to withstand an F3 tornadoes and winds of 150 miles per hour. The data center is not located within any identified floodplains, probable fault lines, or at risk [...] Read More
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QTS’ Overland data center is located at 12851 Foster St. Overland Park, KS 66213. The Overland Park data center is the corporate headquarters of QTS, and includes data center space, customer and QTS offices and common areas. The data center is 38,000 square feet, two-story building with hardener pour concrete structure and brick; hard rock, steel mesh intrusion proofing; [...] Read More
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Cloud And Colocation.com is a colocation brokerage company. We create a competitive pricing environment that causes colocation providers and telecommunication service providers to compete for your business. If you are seeking colocation space, cloud services or data circuits, we will provide you with the best rates at the best data centers available in the market today. With years of experience and visibility into the market, we are able to deliver competitive results that meet or exceed your objectives, saving you time and money. Due to the volume of colocation contracts we close for clients each year, you receive lower rates than you can negotiate directly with data center providers. Contact us today for a no-obligation quote!

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