CentriLogic Buffalo Data Center

CentriLogic’s Buffalo Data Center is located at 370 Main Street, Buffalo NY 14202 and provides clients an all-in-one solution for their co-location needs, as well as other managed and professional services. Located in Downtown Buffalo, and near the region’s primary telecom hub at the Main Place Tower, CentriLogic’s Buffalo facility is over 23,000 square feet and is monitored by video surveillance, on-site security staff and biometric access control. A VESDA smole detection system as well as monitoring systems for both the temperature and the environment ensure that client’s IT infrastructure is safe and secure. The facility itself also has multiple amenities for clients such as a Telecom HUB on site, as well as customer meeting rooms and other office facilities.

Power supply into the facility is delivered through two separate power feeds, and operates at an N+1 level of redundancy. On site fuel generator also provides 2.0 Megawatts of back up power if needed.

About CentriLogic

CentriLogic maintains 8 colocation facilities around the world, 3 of which are located in the United States with other locations in Hong Kong, Canada and the United Kingdom. When considering local regulatory requirements, this gives customers multiple options for where they want to host their data. All facilities are designed with an eye towards facilitating a wide range of customer requirements. To accomplish this, each facility has N+1 redundancy in all aspects of its infrastructure and uninterrupted power is supplied in multiple configurations. One key aspect of CentiLogic’s approach to its co-location services is that CentriLogic operates and manages all aspects of the facilities where equipment and business applications are housed.  This allows CentriLogic to adapt and manage, with more efficiency, customer needs as well as guaranteeing delivery on all aspects of their service level agreements, which also contain a 99.99% up-time guarantee. Aside from its colocation services, CentriLogic also offers clients a comprehensive suite of services which include Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Hosting,  Network services, Data management, security and Professional services.

CentriLogic Buffalo Data Center
370 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14202

CentriLogic Buffalo Data Center Highlights

  • 23,000 square feet
  • Conveniently located in downtown Buffalo
  • Video surveillance cameras
  • Telecom HUB site
  • Biometric access control
  • Multiple UPS modules
  • 2.0 MW of backup generator power
  • Two power connections from separate grids
  • N + 1 redundancy, temperature and humidity

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