AiNET is a premier cloud and data center provider. The company design, constructs, and operates Internet data centers, optical fiber network, and critical applications. AiNET owns and operates state of the art SSAE 16 type II compliant data centers, and only TIA-942 certified Tier IV data center. The company offers whole data center solutions for enterprise customers with rich fiber connectivity options, reliable power infrastructure, space, and cooling options. AiNet offers state of the art enterprise cloud solutions with secure computing, storage, and network infrastructure using ANSI compliant authentication and FIPS-140/Suite B approved encryption. AiNET owns and operates thousands of fiber route miles of networks, and is currently building a major, optical fiber network of approximately 10,000 fiber route miles throughout the central business district of Washington DC. The company specializes in colocation services, managed services, Internet, professional services, cloud computing, SaaS, PaaS, TSaaS, and engineering. AiNET was founded in 1993 and is based in Beltsville, MD.
Cloud And is a colocation brokerage company. We create a competitive pricing environment that causes colocation providers and telecommunication service providers to compete for your business. If you are seeking colocation space, cloud services or data circuits, we will provide you with the best rates at the best data centers available in the market today. With years of experience and visibility into the market, we are able to deliver competitive results that meet or exceed your objectives, saving you time and money. Due to the volume of colocation contracts we close for clients each year, you receive lower rates than you can negotiate directly with data center providers. Contact us today for a no-obligation quote!