Online Tech’s Ann Arbor data center 2 is located at 5430 Data Court, Suite 300, Ann Arbor, MI 48108. The data center was originally built by Metavante, is located in the Avis Farms business park. With close proximity to major highways and the University of Michigan, this facility is conveniently located near the Ann Arbor, metro Detroit, Toledo and Northeast Indiana. The facility built in 2000 is a single story, concrete, steel, cinder block, and aluminum building. The data center offers full range of colocation, managed server, private cloud, and disaster recovery services.
Online Tech offers comprehensive colocation solutions that include basic, monitored, and managed colocation space with half and full cabinet space, and caged space. The facility provides 19,500 square feet of total enclosed space with 10,000 square feet of 18 inches raised floor. The data center is a SSAE 16 SOC 2 & SOC 3 and SAS 70 Type II certified, PCI DSS and HIPAA compliant facility. The facility has 24x7x365 client controlled access to the colocation space, 24×7 exterior and interior digital video surveillance with recording activity, electronic card door access, and dual factor authentication including key card and biometric scan. The data center is protected from fire through the use of FM 200 and dual stage dry pipe sprinkler system with double interlock pre action zoned valve control. The facility also has professionally managed fire, smoke, dust, and subfloor water leak detection systems. The data center has 24x7x365 monitoring of building, and environmental alarms.
Ann Arbor data center provides a reliable and fault tolerant power infrastructure with all critical equipment in N+1 redundancy. The power to the data center is fed by DTE Energy via 1,500 kVA transformers. The redundant 300 kVA Eaton UPS battery backup systems in N+1 redundant configuration provides 100% clean and conditioned power to the critical load. The backup power is provided by dual 750 tons Cummins diesel generator in N+1 configuration with fuel storage for 66 hours of runtime, and 1,200 gallons of fuel storage onsite in a climate controlled indoor facility. All generators are tested and maintained on a regular weekly and monthly schedule. The diverse power to the equipment is delivered through multiple PDUs with Static Transfer Switches (STS). The cooling and humidity in the data center is maintained through Liebert air handlers in N+1 redundant configuration with 116 tons of cooling.
Online Tech’s 5430 Data Court is a carrier neutral data center with connectivity to multiple Internet Service Providers (ISP), and diverse fiber feeds. All Online Tech’s data centers are interconnected with dedicated 10 GB capable fiber, and offers 100 % network uptime SLA. The entire network infrastructure is N+1 redundant configuration with dual, redundant Cisco network core routers and network switches deliver a high availability network. The data center has 100% redundancy over core routers, switches and paths to the Internet are fully redundant with automatic failover to multiple Internet Service Providers. All clients are protected with hardware based firewall services, and VLAN configuration isolates each client from all other client’s equipment. The technical staff provides the helpdesk and support services 24×7.
About Online Tech
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
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Online Tech – Ann Arbor Data Center #2 Highlights
- Originally Built by Metavante
- Located in The Avis Farms Business Park
- Close Proximity tTo Major Highways and The University of Michigan
- Conveniently Located Near the Ann Arbor, Metro Detroit, Toledo And Northeast Indiana
- Facility Built in 2000
- Single Story, Concrete, Steel, Cinder Block and Aluminum Building
- Colocation
- Basic, Monitored and Managed Colocation Space
- Half and Full Cabinet Space
- Caged Space
- 19,500 Square Feet of Total Enclosed Space
- 10,00 Square Feet of 18 Inches Raised Floor
- Certifications and Compliant
- SSAE 16 SOC 2 & SOC 3
- SAS 70 Type II
- Security
- 24x7x365 Client Controlled Access
- 24×7 Exterior ad Interior Digital Video Surveillance with Recording Activity
- Electronic Card Door Access
- Key Card
- Biometric Scan
- Fire Detection and Suppression
- FM 200
- Dual Stage Double Interlocked Pre Action Dry Pipe Sprinkler System
- Professionally Managed Fire, Smoke, Dust Detection System
- Subfloor Water Leak Detection Systems
- 24x7x365 Monitoring of Building and Environmental Alarms
- Reliable and Fault Tolerant N+1 Power Infrastructure
- DTE Energy Utility Power via 1,500 kVA Transformers
- Redundant 300 kVA Eaton UPS Battery Backup Systems in N+1 Redundant Configuration
- Generators System in N+1 Configuration
- Dual 750 Tons Cummins Diesel Generators
- Fuel Storage for 66 Hours of Runtime
- 1,200 Gallons of Fuel Storage
- Generators Tested on Weekly and Monthly Basis
- Multiple PDUs with Static Transfer Switch (STS)
- HVAC in N+1 Redundancy
- Liebert Air Handlers
- 116 Tons of Cooling
- Carrier Neutral Data Center
- Diverse Fiber Feeds
- 100 % Network Uptime SLA
- Network Infrastructure in N+1 Redundant Configuration
- 100% Redundancy Over Core Routers and Switches
- Hardware Based Firewall Services
- VLAN Configuration
- 24×7 Helpdesk and Support Services