702 Communications Data Center

Intended to server not only retail customers, but also fellow Internet/Transport Carriers, their Data Center which exceeds Tier 2 data center specifications, has over 7,000 sq feet of colocation space.

Whatever your needs, 702 Communications Can Help:

  • Internet Access – Buy direct from Hurricane Electric in their first, fully-diverse, North Dakota POP
  • Internet Access – Buy through 702 for multiple or diverse provider options
  • Rack and Service Space – half or full rack space available
  • Virtual Server Hosting – 702 has the infrastructure to provision a server for your needs
  • Web and Email Hosting – Host your website and mail domain with them
  • Off-site backups – Options to store your data in their datacenter or in the cloud
  • Local Peering – Directly connect to others in their datacenter
  • National Peering – 702’s membership with INDATEL gives you the opportunity to peer with:
    • Akamai, Amazon, Apple, Edgecast, Equinix, Facebook, Google, Limelight, Microsoft
    • Netflix, Pandora, Rackspace, Valve, Yahoo, and many others

Why 702’s Facility Is Superior?
24x7x35 Security and Monitoring with card access entry to your space
Climate controlled environment
AC or DC power options
Redundant Power
Fire Suppression
Remote hands options
100% carrier and vendor neutral
Backed by 702 Communications’ route redundant fiber network
High Capacity, Scalable bandwidth options

Whether your business is large or small, 702 Communications new Data Center can help you take your business to the next level!

About 702 Communications

Locally Owned and Operated
Val-Ed Joint Venture dba 702 Communications is a locally owned and operated Competitive Local Exchange Carrier in Moorhead, MN. 702 provides retail services that include business and residential phone service, Internet access via DSL, DSX, OCX, and Ethernet. 702 provides wholesale services that include the wholesaling of bandwidth, Long Distance, and fiber transport. In addition, 702 also provides network engineering, management and monitoring for regional transport and data networking.

Val-Ed Joint Venture was formed in 1989 by six independent telephone companies to provide interactive educational video to the schools in their serving areas. The six partner/owner companies are: Barnesville Telephone, East Otter Tail Telephone, Loretel Systems, Inc., Otter Com, Inc., Red River Telephone, Rothsay Telephone.

Since that time their service offerings have continued to expand into inter-exchange high capacity, private line, data center, managed services and non-switched services.

As a CLEC, 702 Communications does business in Fargo, West Fargo and Wahpeton in North Dakota; and Moorhead, Dilworth and Breckenridge in Minnesota.

702 Communications Data Center

Fargo, North Dakota 58103

Request Quote

  • Tell us about your Space, Power, Bandwidth or any special requirements
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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