Lightower Fiber Networks is a leading provider of high capacity network solutions and Information Technology (IT) services. The company provides fiber based networking solutions to enterprise, government, carrier, and data center customers. Lightower’s unique and diverse network is connected to over 7,500 service locations with 20,000 route miles, 130 connected data centers, 40+ connected financial exchanges, 18 Lightower colocation data centers, and 115 carrier hotels and central offices. Lightower delivers highly reliable, best in-class services and solutions, including Ethernet, wavelength, dark fiber, Internet access, private networks, video transport, SONET, Long Haul, custom solutions, cloud connectivity, and colocation. Lightower network is actively carrying 100 Gbps customer traffic and serves customer needs from 10 Mbps to 100 Gbps.
The company serves 2,000 enterprises including Fortune 500 companies, carriers, government agencies, healthcare providers, financial services firms, school and universities, and many more. Lightower’s coverage area includes the major cities of Boston, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, internationally to Toronto and London. The company was formerly known as National Grid Wireless Holdings, and changed its name to Lightower Fiber Networks in August 2007. The company was incorporated in 2003, and is based in Boxborough, MA.
Cloud And is a colocation brokerage company. We create a competitive pricing environment that causes colocation providers and telecommunication service providers to compete for your business. If you are seeking colocation space, cloud services or data circuits, we will provide you with the best rates at the best data centers available in the market today. With years of experience and visibility into the market, we are able to deliver competitive results that meet or exceed your objectives, saving you time and money. Due to the volume of colocation contracts we close for clients each year, you receive lower rates than you can negotiate directly with data center providers. Contact us today for a no-obligation quote!