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Data Centers in Oak brook

1 Data Center Found
Colocation America’s Chicago data center 4 is located at 1808 Swift Dr, Oak Brook, IL 60523; and is one of five data center facilities that are operated by Colocation America in Chicago. The data center is conveniently located within 30 minutes of Chicago and is accessible by multiple routes and modes of transportation. The Oak Brook data center [...] Read More
AT&T’s Oak Brook data center is located at 1000 Commerce Drive, Oak Brook, IL 60523. The data center is located within hardener facilities and offers amenities like customer lounge, conference rooms, and equipment staging area. The data center is a Tier IV infrastructure facility certified by Uptime Institute. The data center offers colocation through secure cabinets and [...] Read More
XO Communications’ Oak Brook data center is located at 810 Jorie Blvd, 1st floor, Oak Brook, IL 60523, and is one of the two facilities that is owned and operated by XO Communications in Oak Brook. The data center provides secure loading docks, and has onsite parking available. The data center offers colocation space through full sized [...] Read More
XO Communications’ Oak Brook data center is located at 1808 Swift Drive, Oak Brook, IL 60523, and is one of the two facilities that is owned and operated by XO Communications in Oak Brook. The data center building standards meets NEBS level 3 compliance having 12 inches thick steel reinforced high pressure concrete walls, and has secure exterior faux [...] Read More
Strategically located in the heart of the mid-west, Latisys’ Chicago Data Center is located at 1808 Swift Dr, Oakbrook IL 60523. Oakbrook is conveniently located within 30 minutes of Chicago and is accessible by multiple routes and modes of transportation. The facility is 99,000 square feet with cage, cabinet and micro-suite access available. The building is constructed with [...] Read More
Located just outside downtown Chicago, Ubiquity Server’s Oak Brook data center is located at 1808 Swift Drive, Oak Brook, IL 60523. Ubiquity’s Oak Brook data center offers clients a bevy of features and redundancies that make it an attractive choice for clients’ IT infrastructure needs. The data center is 86,260 total square feet, located in a [...] Read More
Navisite’s Oakbrook colocation facility is located at 800 Jurie Blvd, Oak Brook IL 60523 and is one of 7 Navisite’s U.S. based data centers. Navisite’s data centers feature a bevy of features that make them an attractive option for businesses trying to reduce costs, minimize risk, and maintain a strong and secure IT infrastructure. Navisite deploys [...] Read More
The US Signal Oak Brook data center is located at 810 Jorie Blvd in Oak Brook, Illinois. The data center is SSAE 16 SOC I certified and HIPPA compliant. The facility features a security rich design, redundant power generation, UPS protection, energy-efficient cooling, and flexible space options. The data center has an alarm secured facility, with 24/7/365 access [...] Read More

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About Cloud and Colocation

Cloud And is a colocation brokerage company. We create a competitive pricing environment that causes colocation providers and telecommunication service providers to compete for your business. If you are seeking colocation space, cloud services or data circuits, we will provide you with the best rates at the best data centers available in the market today. With years of experience and visibility into the market, we are able to deliver competitive results that meet or exceed your objectives, saving you time and money. Due to the volume of colocation contracts we close for clients each year, you receive lower rates than you can negotiate directly with data center providers. Contact us today for a no-obligation quote!

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