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Data Centers in Katy

ScaleMatrix’s Houston data center is located at 1510 Primewest Parkway, Katy, TX 77449. The data center provides amenities and facilities like shipping and receiving station, training centers, client work area, wireless internet access, ample parking, equipment lifts, freight elevators, free beverage & snack machines for client use. ScaleMatrix Houston data center offers shared colocation space available in [...] Read More
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LOGIX’s Katy data center is located at 1510 Primewest Pkwy., Katy, TX 77449. The data center is outside 500 years floodplain, and not on I-45 for egress routes. The facility is outside of major highways, outside of flight paths, outside of chemical plants, and far enough away from weather related events. The data center is a Tier IV [...] Read More
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About Cloud and Colocation

Cloud And is a colocation brokerage company. We create a competitive pricing environment that causes colocation providers and telecommunication service providers to compete for your business. If you are seeking colocation space, cloud services or data circuits, we will provide you with the best rates at the best data centers available in the market today. With years of experience and visibility into the market, we are able to deliver competitive results that meet or exceed your objectives, saving you time and money. Due to the volume of colocation contracts we close for clients each year, you receive lower rates than you can negotiate directly with data center providers. Contact us today for a no-obligation quote!

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